PRM and Sprinter fleet

We recently asked Transport for Wales about progress on ‘ Persons with Reduced Mobility’ upgrading of Sprinter Classes 150 and 153. They have now replied. In summary, 150s were complete in 2019 and also part of the fleet of (26) 153s. Of the remaining 13 153 units that are not compliant, 9 will be converted in 2021 and 4 retired. TfW confirm that these non compliant units are never operated singly and are always coupled to a fully PRM-compliant class 150 or 153. These units have now been renumbered into the 1539xx number series to ensure they are readily identifiable […]

TfW unit diagrams for spring 2021

TfW have made available the unit diagrams from the long term plan (LTP) for spring 2021. These appeared on recent response to a freedom of information request. The response is an unsearchable five hundred page pdf document. But if this is your thing, flipping the pages on the screen will get you something. You can view and download it here. To give you a start, here are some of the page references relevant to us. Usual health warnings on the accuracy of this below. It is just a guide. Happy hunting!

TfW on rolling stock upgrades.

We report on a Freedom of Information Act question to TfW on rolling stock upgrades. The data below has been provided on 8 December 2020. You can see the full response here: We remain unconvinced over the refurbishment of the 153 sets and will inquire further. There are a number of sets on hire and these may have been overlooked in these numbers. It looks as though the 150’s will not get a repaint, but the 175 refurbishment should be done in 2021. Programme Start Date Total Units Units complete Completion date Class 150 PRM June 2018 36 36 […]

Progress for PRM TSI on classes 150 and 153.

In repose to a freedom of information request to TfW,we have the status as of 1st July 20. As of 1st July 2020 or near date, the status of compliance with the Technical Specification for Interoperability – Persons with Reduced Mobility (PRM TSI) for the above classes of train in service with TfW The Current Status is as follows: Class 150 • 33 (out of 36) units completed • Two units in modification • One unit to enter modification imminently         Class 153   • 10 (out of 13) units completed • Two units in modification • […]

Dispensations for 150 and 153s

TfW should have upgraded these old ex BR sets to comply with the requirements for Persons with Reduced Mobility by the end of 2019. In common with many of the UK operators, this has not been done. As a result they have a dispensation to continue to operate, on the basis that it is better to have a poor train than no train. For the class 150s, this allows continued use until the end of August 2020. You can read the dispensation  here. For the class 153s, this allows continued use until the end of Deccember  2020. You can read […]

TfW trains, a perfect storm.

TfW inherited a poor deal from Arriva in 2018, with no plans for new trains. Arriva’s long franchise anticipated no growth and had no requirement to look ahead. So one of TfWs early jobs has been to find additional trains. Unfortunately other franchises got in first and the manufacturers have full order books. The main order for new trains is with CAF for class 197’s, but these take time and will not be with us until 2022 at the earliest. They have also ordered refurbished suburban trains for Cardiff lines, converted from old London electric trains. These are 2 years […]

Jam tomorrow – new trains for our line!

With TfW taking over the operation comes a promise of new trains. But its going to be a while and we have to wait. No jam for tea tonight! All the class 150, 153, and 175 trains are planned to be withdrawn in the period 2022-24 but this is dependant on new trains being delivered and put to work. This sounds easy, nice new train, what could go wrong? But all UK train operators are finding that it does not go well, with combination of late delivery, long driver training programmes, and early life techncial problems all conspire to cause […]

Rolling stock indications

We are working to better understand the plans from Transport for Wales for the new or upgraded rolling stock on our lines. We already know that the class 175 trains used on the Cardiff Manchester routes are to be refurbished and branded, and will continue for some years until the delivery of new stock.The uncertainty remains about what will happen to the class 150 and 153 trains that are used on the Heart of Wales line, and are integrated with our daily shuttle Shrewsbury to Crewe services. When will these be replaced and with what? We are aware that 12 […]