New relationship for Keolis and Amey

TfW have announced that the scope of work for Keolis and Amey is to change from March 2021. We understand they have reached an agreement which will lead a change in leadership of the operation of the railway, the details of which are still to finalise. Under the new agreement, the operation of day-to-day rail services will become the responsibility of a new publicly owned subsidiary of Transport for Wales. This is equivalent to the operator of last resort. Keolis and Amey will continue to contribute by delivering support services. You can read about it here.

Timetable September 20

We have become aware that the 6 day timetable in operation at the end of September has problems for southbound travellers. There are no trains stopping at intermediate stations between the 07.34 and the 11.20, both times ex Crewe. There are through trains Crewe – Shrewsbury and beyond but nothing stopping at our stations for a period of nearly 4 hours. The Chairman is going to tackle TfW on this. One suggestion is that the 09.06, 10.06 and 11.06 all stop at Nantwich, Whitchurch and Wem. Perhaps one should stop at all stations. The northbound stopping trains are not affected. […]

Yorton waiting room improvements

TfW tell us they have completed the new waiting room door and glazing that has been installed at Yorton station. These were damaged by vandals some time ago. The new waiting room door and glazing was installed in August, as part of Transport for Wales’ Stations Improvement programme.

Progress for PRM TSI on classes 150 and 153.

In repose to a freedom of information request to TfW,we have the status as of 1st July 20. As of 1st July 2020 or near date, the status of compliance with the Technical Specification for Interoperability – Persons with Reduced Mobility (PRM TSI) for the above classes of train in service with TfW The Current Status is as follows: Class 150 • 33 (out of 36) units completed • Two units in modification • One unit to enter modification imminently         Class 153   • 10 (out of 13) units completed • Two units in modification • […]

Timetable changes on 6 July??

We would like to be able to tell you all about this, but unfortunately its a secret. There are no new timetables on the TfW web site, and the ‘jouneycheck’ information is not very helpful. We think that the main change is that the through trains previously booked to stop or request stop at Yorton and Prees will not do so.The only other change we have identified is that the 18.29 weekday stopper ex Shrewsbury will not run. Not sure about the Sat/Sun equivalents a few minute earlier. We are in discussion with TfW to get this sorted out. In […]

TfW through trains not stopping at Yorton and Prees!!

We see an anouncement on the TfW web site (under ‘journey check’) that the through trains to and from South Wales are not going to stop at Yorton and Prees from 5 July. see here On Monday 29 June, after our intervention we now understand that this willl not apply to the daily shuttle services, and stops can be requested. The wording on the TfW web site has been changed and now reads as this: To help with social distancing, TfW long distance services will not be calling at Yorton or Prees from Monday 6th July until further notice. In […]

NIB volenteers in action again

Nantwich in Bloom (NIB) volunteers have recently been busy weeding and planting on Nantwich Station getting the sleeper beds and planters ready for a summer display. Hanging baskets on the old Station building will be missing this year but we hope that when their watering system is repaired they will be back in full bloom next summer. Please help us keep the station looking attractive for commuters, local residents and visitors by reporting any damage to TfW and putting rubbish in the bins, not amongst the flowers and plants.       We are some of the Transport for Wales […]

TfW response to timetable workshop

TfW have responded to the virtual timetable consultation in April. Chairman John Cresswell made a submission on our behalf.. They say: As you know, we made the decision in early March to cancel our timetable workshop in Shrewsbury. It was an uncertain time, where many meetings and interactions had to be adapted – we had to devise a way in which the workshop could continue without relying on it being face to face. We shared an update of significant timetable changes, along with some slide packs explaining how Rail Replacement Services and Events are managed. I appreciate that these materials […]

April 2020 timetable workshop

Chairman John Cresswell made submissions to a TfW workshop on forthcoming timetable changes. This was to have been around the table, but the Covid 19 lockdown prevented this. These are his requests and comments to TfW. May 2020 changes The current 08.00 ex Shrewsbury to Crewe (06.18 ex Llnadridod). Will this service still run in view of the extra stops placed on the 06.35 ex Cardiff (o8.35 ex Shrewsbury) – Manchester? If the extra stops are to replace the current stops on the 08.00 ex Shrewsbury, then the arrival time in Crewe of 09.14 is too late. If, as I […]

Dispensations for 150 and 153s

TfW should have upgraded these old ex BR sets to comply with the requirements for Persons with Reduced Mobility by the end of 2019. In common with many of the UK operators, this has not been done. As a result they have a dispensation to continue to operate, on the basis that it is better to have a poor train than no train. For the class 150s, this allows continued use until the end of August 2020. You can read the dispensation  here. For the class 153s, this allows continued use until the end of Deccember  2020. You can read […]