Wem crossing down times

I have looked at the data from November 2018 that NR sent with the FOI response. There are 1500 readings in the month with a whole spread of times from 1 minute to the longest at 13 minutes. A good pass for a not stopping single train will be 2 minutes. For a north bound stopper a good pass is 4 minutes, and bit less for the south bound. For a good double pass, 6 minutes. For a bad double or triple with freight.it could be 10-13 minutes. The worst times are 14.30, 18.40 and 20.30 when two or three […]

Station footfall data updated 2018/9

A member has provided data for some stations including those on our line. Shrewsbury, Wem, Whitchurch Wrenbury, Nantwich and Crew all show significant growth. Yorton is level and Prees has dropped back. The headline station is Nantwich with an annual growth given as 9.72%. This will not be a surprise to those who wait in the rain at the station for commuter trains in the rush hours to and from Manchester. So much for Arriva’s zero growth assumptions. We always said it was wrong. The question is “What will TfW do to move with the times?” Do they even know […]

KeolisAmey fined £2.3m for poor performance

It is widely reported in the local and national press that KeolisAmey have been ‘fined’ for poor performance. The Welsh Assembly Economy Minister Ken Skates is quoted and saying that the penalty notices were “vital”, saying the company had not lived up to what was agreed. Recent improvements must continue, he added. The company took over the £5bn franchise in October 2018. KeolisAmey apologised for the disruption of the last few months. It is not clear when the fines were imposed. Transport for Wales said it was a “overall sum” imposed over “different periods”, with fines issued on a periodic […]

Update on TfW new timetable December 2019

A new railway timetable started last Sunday. During the week there is little, if any, difference, but on Sunday there are major changes. For decades CASPA have been asking for an improved service on Sunday, with a mininmum of a train every other hour. We now have this. We lose most of the through Manchester – Wales services that now go non-stop Crewe – Shrewsbury (there are a few exceptions). In there place is a regular shuttle between Crewe and Shrewsbury calling all stations, similar to during the week. Hopefully this isn’t the last change to Sunday services, TfW have […]

TfW annouce the December timetable

TfW have today announced the details of the December timetable changes. It needs a bit of study to find all the changes, but we think they only affect Sundays at the moment.  There is no promise of a change in rolling stock. For Crewe Shrewsbury it says: Most Marches services have stops removed between Shrewsbury and Crewe (replaced by a Shrewsbury to Crewe local shuttle service). This gives much faster direct journey times In addition, extra stopping services between Crewe and Shrewsbury, will give people in Shropshire and Cheshire a significant number of new services when travelling on a Sunday. […]

TfW one year in

It is a year today since Transport for Wales took over rail services in Wales (on 14 October 2018). The operator has been clear that changes will take some time and can’t be immediate. But for many passengers the same concerns about overcrowding, expensive tickets and poor service continue. To mark their first anniversary, Wales on Line asked TfW to identify the ten things they’re proudest of achieving since taking over. You can read about it here. But don’t get too excited, rest assured, there is nothing much as yet for our line from Shrewsbury to Crewe and beyond. TfW […]

October meeting

The meeting was a standard Association review of business, sparsely attended. The update of the web site was reported on. Items are required to keep this up to date, particular from those with the intimate knowledge of the items on which we are campaigning. Also any photographs. On services, nothing is reported on Sunday services, and cannot be anticipated until December anyway with the new timetable. On rolling stock, TfW had provided some general commentary on their plans and this is on the web site. It is still not clear on the details of the change out on the HOWL […]

Station usage data 2016 – 2017

CASPA has obtained data for the usage of stations in the period 2016 – 2017. This is based on ticket count, rather than passenger count. The headlines are a 17% increase at Nantwich and a 10% increase at Whitchurch. No surprise to regular users! We will endevour to get some more up to date data. The full data is given below on the link.

Rolling stock indications

We are working to better understand the plans from Transport for Wales for the new or upgraded rolling stock on our lines. We already know that the class 175 trains used on the Cardiff to Manchester routes are to be refurbished and branded, and will continue for some years until the delivery of new stock. The uncertainty remains about what will happen to the class 150 and 153 trains that are used on the Heart of Wales line, and are integrated with our daily shuttle Shrewsbury to Crewe services. When will these be replaced and with what? We are aware […]

Railfuture public meeting Saturday 12th October

Railfuture are holding a public meeting at the Gateway (just a few minutes walk from Shrewsbury Station, SY1 1NB) at 1.15pm to discuss rail in Shropshire. The speakers are: Daniel Kawczymski, MP for Shrewsbury and Atcham Lee Robinson, Development Director, Transport for Wales Peter Sargant Head of Rail Development, West Midlands Rail Executive John Allcock, Chair of Wrexham and Bidston Rail User Group All are welcome – FREE ADMISSION Free Tea, Coffee & Light Refreshments (courtesy of Railfuture) Please register your intention to attend athttps://www.eventbrite.com/e/shropshire-rail-a-forgotten-county-tickets-68009555411 Further details are here, Railfuture is the UK’s leading independent organisation campaigning for better rail […]