TfW are calling for input to the future timetables by early January. This is a bit tricky with the recent changes are not bedded in, having been introduced last week, and many days lost since with the strike days. But timetable changes take so long to organise the system has to start now.
You can find the TfW proposed timetables details here.
We have been trying to get a view on what the changes might be. Please do not rely on this for travel. It has been aligned with the current data on the TfW timetable site, but you should go back to that and check for your journey.
This is a summary of the proposed changes for weekdays.
Weekdays North bound from Shrewsbury
All times are ex Shrewsbury, and are the new times.They may vary a few minutes from the Dec 22 times.
New trains
0619 all stations
Deleted trains
Trains with new stops
0849 now stops at Whitchurch and Nantwich
0956 now stops at Nantwich
1153 now stops at Whitchurch (as well as Nantwich)
1353 now stops at Whitchurch (as well as Nantwich)
1553 now stops at Whitchurch and Nantwich
Trains with cancelled stops
0849 stops at Yorton, Prees and Wrenbury cancelled. (Check??) Alternative 0819
0956 stop at Wem cancelled (Check??) Alternative 1019
1054 is fast to Crewe, stops at Whitchurch and Nantwich cancelled. Alternative is 1019
1255 is fast to Crewe, stops at Whitchurch and Nantwich cancelled. Alternative is 1219
1654 is fast to Crewe, stops at Wem, Whitchurch and Nantwich cancelled. Alternative is 1619
1756 stop at Wem cancelled. Alternative is 1827
1855 is fast to Crewe, stops at Whitchurch and Nantwich cancelled. Alternative is 1825
2056 is fast to Crewe, stops at Whitchurch and Nantwich cancelled. Alternative is 2029
General notes
Cancelled stops on fast trains mean that travelers have to take the previous stopping train
The shuttle remains at two hours
There are many minor time changes to most services.
The start point for some trains coming from S Wales has changed.
Weekdays South bound from Crewe, times are ex Crewe
New trains
Deleted trains
2210 All stations (alternatives at 2130 and 2309)
Trains with new stops
0809 stops at Nantwich and Whitchurch.
1009 stops at Nantwich and Whitchurch.
1209 stops at Nantwich and Whitchurch.
Trains with cancelled stops
0509 is fast to Shrewsbury, Nantwich, Whitchurch and Wem cancelled. Alternative 0519.
0558 request stops at Wrenbury, Prees and Yorton cancelled. Alternative 0734.
0709 is fast to Shrewsbury, Nantwich stop cancelled. Alternative 0734.
1609 Wem stop cancelled. Alternative 1519 or 1719.
1909 Only stops at Nantwich, previously all stations. Alternative 1931.
General notes
There are many minor time changes to most services.
Question the changes to 0558, 1609. Why?
Want a stop at Nantwich on 1709
The shuttle remains at two hours
The end point for some trains going to S Wales has changed.
Here is our version of the timetable. The usual warnings apply!